Saturday, December 31, 2011

It's Ore-Ida!

The last day of the year-  a time for reflection AKA looking back and seeing if you screwed up too badly.

This last year was seriously a year of upheaval carried over from 2010.  In the summer of 2010, I hated my job and had a particularly bad week. I went online to job search and came across some ads for an outpatient position for a physical therapist assistant. One in particular I was interested in because I had attended a continuing ed class with that organization and liked it.  It was in the 4th biggest city in the US and about 3.5 hours from where I lived at the time; did I mention that? I filled out the application, set my salary high, and decided what happened happened. A few weeks went by with nothing and then I got a call.  I talked to HR a couple times, I did a phone interview, and then after spending a weekend in Houston I stayed over on Monday morning for an early AM interview. HR called me and said "are you serious with that salary demand?" and I answered that I had been working in home health for a few years and my demand wasn't that crazy but I would negotiate. I decided on a number I would definitely take and they called back with a number that  including a sign on bonus was $1000 less than I would definitely take.  It was close enough and I moved into an Extended Stay Hotel in September.

I am so not a risk taker and I've spent most of my life playing it beyond safe, so this was a ginormous step for me. I got used to living by myself but missed my family immensely.  Around Thanksgiving I decided to travel down to CC every weekend to do family/Christmas things. On that first weekend, I got knocked out. I drove down Friday after work, talking to several people about plans. On Saturday, my sister and I went and saw our dad, stepmom, and stepsiblings and then later I went to dinner and played RockBand with more family and friends.  On Sunday, I woke up because my stepmom had called me that my dad was on his way to the hospital that she thinks he might have had a stroke. The stroke turned out to be an aneursym in his brain and before the end of the night my stepmom, sister, and I were talking about organ donation. We did decide on organ donation and between that and that my dad was a big deal in the fire department we had some media attention on top of dealing with the fact that his sudden death had knocked us on our asses.  I would not change the organ donation decision but wow, that makes things harder on the family. For all intents and purposes, Dad died on Dec 5th, but he was not declared until Dec 6th. Then he was kept clinically alive through Dec 7th until all the organs could be harvested.  I'm not sure how many times we said good-bye. My stepmom couldn't make herself leave especially at night. We have little stepsiblings that had to be told (my oldest stepbrother, 13 at the time, spent limited time at the hospital, but the littles 4 and 6 were not told until everything was done).

Surviving the first few weeks after that were rough, first my sister stayed with me during the week but then she had to be in CC since we were still trying to sell the house and my mom had work, etc. Then I was in Houston  by myself. I remembered asking my sister if she still wanted to move to Houston; she said she did. In that moment of emotional upheaval, I would've gone back to a job I disliked just to be in the familiar for the sake of myself and my family.  But I went back and liking my job makes such a huge difference for me.  The evenings were tougher though. Dealing with losing dad and the fact that my house that I loved, but needed to sell in Corpus was not selling or even being shown, gave me such a feeling of being out of control.

I hate lack of control.  I am by no means a control freak, but I do need to feel as though I have handle on things (I've never been crazy, stupid drunk for this reason).  Usually I eat my feelings. This time I decided to take an unhealthy viewpoint and spin it to make it healthy for me.  The main thing with anorexics and bullimics is that they need to control what calories they intake and burn. They take it to the extreme but since I'm a chunk I thought I can make this work for me. And I did. I did not deprive myself of everything good. In fact when I lived by myself I usually had Ben and Jerry's in my freezer. But I made the decision about what I ate and what activity I did.  It was strangely liberating to order myself around. Will I feel better if I eat all the chocolate I have in my hotel room? No?  Ok, let me eat two pieces of chocolate and these veggies. Will ice cream make me feel better?  A little bit. So, just have a few bites out of the carton (I was also into doing as few dishes as possible) and then move on.  Feeling anxious or sad?  Like you can't sit still?  Maybe you shouldn't then.  Go out and run around the block or do some yoga. To further my inspiration these crazy girls, Annie and Becca, started the #2011pushupchallenge and I had something to do every or every other day (

It worked really, really well for me.  I bought size 20 pants for my job interview in July 2010 (which was down from the size 22/24 pants I had bought a few months prior). By March of 2011, I went shopping and was able to buy size 16 pants! In May, I stopped paying the mortgage on my house in Corpus and searched for an owner financed home in Houston. I probably gained a good 10 lb in that process and the packing/moving process. I lost that by the end of the summer and then I looked at my goals. I wanted to run a 5K by the end of the year and I wanted to do a half marathon (cause all the cool kids were doing it) and wanted to do Beach to Bay.  I decided physically and financially my goal of running in Vegas in December wasn't going to happen.  The 5K needed to happen though because I was slacking with nothing to work towards.  I signed up and paid for the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure on October 1st.  I ran/walked  and have no idea how I did timewise, but I was still breathing at the end and was enough of a runner to get annoyed by the five abreast walkers.  Somewhere during the fall, I dropped another size and was solidly (not loosely) in size 14 pants.  The shirt size varied because the ladies are large and in charge and I've lost inches around but not dropped a cup size yet (not an altogether bad thing).

With all this exercise and compliments from family, friends, and patients I had so much more confidence and felt like I deserved more.  I have seriously not dated in eight years. Yes, that's right eight years.  Apart from a couple awkward meetings from a guy I met online that fizzled quickly and a consideration of a friends with benefits deal that never materialized, the romance in my life was null. So, the profile I had up on got updated and I gave it a shot. I started talking to two guys in particular; one caught me on free trial day and the other was bright enough to figure out my hidden clues because I'm cheap and didn't want to pay. I've emailed with a few others.  I've been out on two dates each with the first two guys and the one is way too nice for me; I'm a bit of a bitch. The other guy's dates went extremely well but now I haven't heard from him so I'm trying not to let my new found confidence get knocked to the ground. To counter and soothe the ego, I agreed to the second date with  Nice Guy (yeah, really nice and I am way bitchy) and have been corresponding with another guy, Sports Guy, and just car flirted with a random guy on the way home from a run. I had tried online dating before with not much success and now I think I know why.  I was terrified to meet someone when I tried previously. Shaking, sick to my stomach terrified. This time around I was nervous but not terrified. The difference in my self confidence is pretty amazing. If he doesn't like me or vice versa the world will not end. But thanks to the paranoia safety concerns, my dad instilled in me I take circumspect routes home and park under a light especially with the guys I'm not as fond of.

The dating thing wasn't a goal of mine this year and last New Year's I didn't set any goals. My goals developed over the course of the year and I haven't exactly met them. One goal was to get into a size 12 by the end of the year. Well, I found a pair of old size 12 pants and technically I am in them.  As I type this, they are cutting off my blood supply.  I had to lie down on the bed to zip and button them but I am in them. Another goal was to be below a certain weight.  Last time I weighed myself (earlier this week), I was about 5 lbs over that weight. I really meant I wanted this by Chinese New Year? Any takers? But seriously, I'm kind of okay with not getting there.  Of course, I would have preferred to be in a loose size 12 and been under that magic number but I'm so close and it's so much better than last year. I can now run and am not embarrassed by how quickly I tire out. I ran/walk a 5K today and did 365 push-ups (old school girly style) and I could not have imagined doing either last year at this time.
Me on the far left in Nov 2008

December 2011

There's a huge difference there that goes beyond weight although my weight is tied into it. I like myself better. I really want kids and before this year I thought that would only happen on my own.  I'm okay with that happening on my own, but I'm willing to explore the possibility of it happening as a result of a great relationship as well.  I did not accomplish all my goals as I wanted to, but I got better as a person and for me that's all right. Here's to 2012!

PS. Per brilliant psychic/author, Victoria Laurie (, I am supposed to complete my half marathon this year and will decide to and complete a full marathon next year. And I'm supposed to meet a tall, funny, blond or fair complected guy around September who Victoria loves for me. With that echoing in my mind, I've had the best running week evah! Which is good because I'm way behind training for a half marathon that happens in a little over two months!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

I got my own month! True story

My own month!  It's such an honor.  Although to be fair, one of my favorite restaurants may not have realized it was honoring me so much as the food of my nickname.  Sweet Tomatoes ( is having potato month and I've decided to take it as a personal honor.

This has been a pretty decent month for me.  I ran/walked/crawled my way through my first 5K.  I figured out I have finally reached the point where I weigh less than I did in college and am a size-ish away from where I want to be at the end of the year and about 9 lb from where I want to weigh by the end of the year.  

Sweet Tomatoes is one of those places that can be a great, healthy thing for me or a downfall.  It's a salad bar place, but as so many magazines warn just because it's a salad doesn't mean it's healthy or low calorie and Sweet Tomatoes has seriously good muffins and desserts.  Luckily, my approach to my diet in general works perfectly here.  Since I'm a brat and don't like to be denied my good stuff (AKA high calorie and delicious), I start strategically by adding stuff.  In this case, I pile the veggies high and choose other stuff more carefully.  Sure, I could add on a ton of dressing and cheese to my salad or I can pile every veggie I can stand and be sparing with the dressing and maybe only a sprinkle of cheese. I do not count calories because I'm not mathematically inclined, but I figure a plateful of veggies followed by some lean meat and more veggies in a soup (I love their chili- deep kettle or three bean turkey) allows me some room for chocolate lava cake or gooey caramel pumpkin cake (which sneaks in more fruit).  I'm trying to focus on not consuming empty calories.  If I eat something I want it to be something halfway beneficial to me or something I really want because it tastes amazing.  Every once in awhile, I'll luck out and find something that accomplishes both.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

It's not the size of the Tater, it's how you use it

Ok, it's the size of the Tater also.

I have been slacking off on the writing purpose (and thus existence) of this blog, but I have been keeping up with the other part.

As usual, I haven't been cutting out all the bad stuff.  I had an enchilada/fajita plate for lunch, but I brought home leftovers AND the enchilada had tomatillo sauce on it. Since my allergies/sinuses have been bugging me, I consider it medicinal. Unfortunately, the tomatillo sauce was a little wimpy so the sinuses are still wonky (I'm a healthcare professional; I hope my medical terminology does not confuse you). I've been making small changes. Sour cream would always accompany my fajita taco; now I skip it and usually skip the cheese or use the cheese sparingly.  I've found it does not make a huge difference in the taste but it cuts the calories a tad.  I have been adding fresh fruit and adding veggies where I can and I also try to have some milk or Greek yogurt. I can feel a difference in my bones when I run whether or not I'm getting enough dairy. If the hips hurt, it's time to have a glass of milk or a thing of yogurt or a slice of cheesecake. Whatever gets the job done.

I've thought about going all out and doing a stricter diet.  I look at people more fit and thinner than I am and think I need to do it like them, but they're not me. I love sweets and I make an effort to control the portion, but I will not be cutting them out.  My main eating plan is balance.  I had a crappy day of eating; it happens.  The next day I'll start better and eat a few more vegetables. But the Oreos may happen again. They're sneaky and delicious (especially the Halloween ones; is artificial orange food coloring especially delicious or is it me?)

I have been stepping up on the whole exercise thing. I decided that I wanted to finish a 5K or two and then do a half marathon in March. So, I stepped up the running then I felt myself once again starting to feel unmotivated.  Before I could think of more excuses and I'm surprisingly creative so I had more than one at the ready, I signed up for the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure 5K.  At work.  This was to keep from ducking out on the run I had planned for after work.  That worked.  I did three 5K's a week for the next few weeks up until race week and then, bizarrely, I couldn't run due to rain. I surprised myself though and the 5K wasn't bad.  I have no idea how my time was because my phone died (temporarily, but for 24 hours it was touch and go) and it was a bit disorganized  as far as where we should line up and start. I was able to run for a longer time period without stopping though and I timed it out right so I could run across the finish line.  I did more walking than I wanted to, but my main goal with this one was to run some and not walk all and to be breathing at the end (well, throughout really).  My next 5K is the Layla Grace Foundation run during the first weekend in December and I want to run 75-100% of that one.  I also plan on adding mileage to prep for the NOLA half in March (and make the 5K in December a tad easier).

Happily, these small dietary changes and the increase o exercise have paid off. I am now about 10 lbs lighter than I was when I graduated college and am able to wear a size larger than I did when I graduated high school.  I still have quite a bit to do. I was heavy in college and not exactly a lightweight in high school. As absolutely thrilling as it is to not shop exclusively in the plus sizes anymore (the ladies are large; a plus size shirt may always be in the cards for me), I'm excited to be able to do more than I used.  I avoided  running in all forms like the plague since I was a little kid. I remember making an excuse when someone asked me to fill in on a kickball team for a night when I was in my twenties.  Now, I think I would give it a shot.  I'd still be bad because the coordination would still be lacking, but now I feel like I could run to the base and have enough energy to keep going and make it home. 

Monday, July 4, 2011

All the Taties Who are Independent

I'm influenced fairly easily. I absorb people's mood (I'll spin that and say I'm empathetic) and I may adopt catch phrases from other people. Oddly enough, "que chulo" didn't come from me, but from one of my best friends, Belia. I know people who are worst; one of my other best friends has picked up accents from places she has visited and a few select places she has never been to (hearts Amanda, you quirky little dear).

With that in mind, I've been re-evaluating whether or not my mental goals are my own. Have I fallen into that peer pressure crowd? The all-the-cool-kids-are-doing-this mentality? I know a few people who are runners and I'm wondering if I've fallen into a trap. Do I just want to be cool like them? Do I really want to be a runner?

The short answer to the last two questions are yes and yes.

In this case, peer pressure is a good thing. I do want to be cool like my runner friends. I want to know the accomplishment they've known by completing a 5K, a 10K, and a half marathon. I'd like to have that endurance and strength and the pretty medals. Some of my running friends have also traveled to some cool locations to compete in races.

Being a runner has advantages I'd like to have. I want to be able to run, to not get winded so quickly.  Stereotypical fat kid that I was (am?), I was chosen last for every sports team imaginable in elementary. As an adult, I remember distinctly making up an excuse to avoid being on a kickball team for work. Part of it was my lack of foot-eye coordination since I often kick at air instead of the ball, but a bigger part was I was scared that I wouldn't be able to run the bases. I also have a slightly more obscure reason for wanting to run. Perhaps(ok, so it totally is), this is due to my love of crime fiction ( books, TV, etc), but I'd also like to be able to run from danger or to help thwart it.

I have my reasons for wanting to run, some based on envy, some on righting past hardships, some more health minded, and some that are to handle a less than likely scenario. Even though envy does not seem like an exactly pure motive, it is mine. I can spin it again and say that my running friends are my mentors. In a way they are, in another way I really want to steal their medals and run away, but I'll need to get a lot faster before that'll work out for me.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Reheating a Tater

I have been a neglectful tater. Not only have I not been updating this blog, but I have been slacking off fitness wise. I have an excuse. I bought a house. Not a house I love, but one that makes sense and has everything that we wanted. It was a mad, frantic search and finally I’m here.
The purpose of this blog was to keep me writing and to motivate/ keep me accountable to get healthier and in shape. Through the stress of the house buying and the upcoming move and I was just in wedding, I did not deal with my stress in a healthy way. No running. Slacking on the push-ups for the #2011pushupchallenge. No yoga. Mostly, I just frantically searched for owner financed homes on and consoled myself with Ben & Jerry’s.
Whenever my mom has one of her pity parties as she calls them, she sees a blind person.  To her, this is God’s smack to the back of the head (NCIS Gibbs’ style) for her to stop feeling sorry for herself, be thankful for what she has, and keep on trucking. Well, hopefully God doesn’t say keep on trucking, but you get the idea.  It sounds crazy, but several people, myself included, have seen this happen. 
That seems like a strange little story to put in there, but I have gotten my own blind person/smack to the back of the head recently. I was stressed and unmotivated to the point of not exactly giving up, but not putting forth any effort either.  In my head, I was going through the speech a coach gives their team when they’re down by 20 with a minute left in the fourth of their playoff game. You had a good run, let’s finish this game with your heads held high.
Perhaps I spent too much time around coaches in my formative years.
I was just entertaining those thoughts when fate smacked me.  It came in  a few different forms.
1.                    Annie and Becca, the evil genius minds behind the #2011pushupchallenge, decided to switch things up a bit on the challenge. As we get further along on reps, a few people are needing an extra day of rest. Enter a few tweets/Facebook messages and I have been recruited to be the leader of the third team. What does this mean? It means no more slacking on sculpting my guns (side note: with crazy real estate happenings this week, I did slack, but I’ll be back on the wagon now that I am moved from the hotel to the house),
2.                    The smack for this one happened in a series of light smacks from several different sources.  I keep slacking on running.  I had originally planned to run a 5K at the end of April in Fredericksburg.  When I figured out that I could not afford a weekend jaunt to Fredericksburg, my training fell to the wayside. I had been doing three or four runs a week increasing my distance and my time spent running each time (I utilize a walk/run method). I hadn’t built up a lot of distance but I was going a little over two miles which would have put me on track for completing a 5K.  My runs dwindled when my goal disappeared. In the back of my mind though, I remembered the Rock N Roll Half Marathon in Vegas. I believe Annie was the one who brought it to my attention first then I looked at the website-  Running the strip at night! How fun, but it seemed out of reach- physically and financially. Once the 5K didn’t happen it seemed even less likely. Then all of a sudden the RNR half seemed more prominent. I kept seeing great deals for Vegas airfare (it is way cheaper flying from Houston). We talked about it at work; my manager has run several half marathons and when he found out it was at night in December, he was intrigued.  Then my cousin Missy started running again. She had to take a time out earlier this year after a surgical procedure and now she’s back and I see her updates on Twitter and Facebook. We talked this last weekend and once again the Vegas Half popped up which just so happens to be on her birthday.  She suggested we could do it economically if we split the hotel room. The half takes place in 6 months less a day; I know I’ll need to throw a 5K in the mix somewhere but this is my new goal.  So running tomorrow (or today as I’m typing this on a Saturday night (try not to be jealous) and will post this when I can find some place with free Wi-Fi).
3.                    As I had mentioned initially, this blog was about my being more healthy and getting into better shape, but it is also about my writing.  I started slacking on keeping up with the blog back before I had a decent excuse. Then my head smack came in a rather delightful, non-smack like way. SpokenFor gave me a great comment that was incredibly encouraging.  It was just what I needed to get going again.
So in lieu of getting a concussion from the smacks to the head, I have decided to surrender.  I tried to be lazy, but apparently there are other plans and I am back on the way to being a hot potato (considering that we’ve already reached 100 degrees twice, I do mean that).

Monday, May 16, 2011

Smashed tater

Not smashed, maybe just slightly maimed.

I have fallen way off on my fitness, health goals. I've only run twice in the past two weeks and my eating habits have sucked. I've even fallen off the push-up wagon- not completely, but I used to never miss a day and I definitely have lately.

My stress level has increased and for awhile, I was handling it well. I was running, doing yoga, push ups, ab work etc to work off the stress.  Then the past three weeks I have been using chocolate therapy and have just felt exhausted. Intellectually I know this is the wrong move.  My energy level increases when I increase my activity level, yada, yada.

I have been dealing with a housing situation.  I got an offer for my house in the old city BUT it was below what I owe, but it's the only bite in six, nearly seven months so I'm negotiating with the mortgage company to accept it. My real estate agent in the old city while a nice lady is not one I could recommend, I feel like I am nagging her.With that in mind and that my credit is going to suck once that goes through, I am looking at owner finance homes in the new city. Thankfully, my real estate dude here is very eager and seems to have a good handle on things even though he looks 12 (we call him Junior or Doogie).So the stress has increased and like I said, not handling it very well.

Even though I have good reasons for stress, I realize that these are just excuses. So, tonight I bought some new running shorts and a shirt, yesterday I browsed Sports Authority, and tomorrow I'll begin attempt #3 to get back on the fitness track again.  Third time's the charm, no?

Tonight's blog is brief and not terribly witty but it was an attempt to get back on the writing track.  I talked to a patient today about how I like to write and then smacked myself upside the head (mentally) when I realized there was no good reason why I wasn't doing something I enjoyed.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Pushing up Tater

I have a vague recollection of a random tweet from @annieology about push ups- doing one on 1/1 then two on 2/2 and I was thinking, hmm, she has a goal of a dozen push ups? Oh- kaay. Like I said the recollection was vague and I am a natural (and artificially enhanced) blonde. A week or three later, I paid more attention.

A push up for every day of the year. 1,2,3... 365 push ups?! In one day? Crazypants!

Yet, intriguing.

So, around the end of January I went for it. I did about ten push up all on my knees. Then I did a few more until I caught up with the rest of the crowd and then I did push ups every other day on my team's day (team odd).  Yesterday, even though it was an even day, I celebrated day 100 with 100 push ups. Yep, celebrated. With push ups. Our cult  fun group is wild like that.

What is amazing about the push up challenge is how it creeps into other areas of your life.  For me, it helped lead to other things. I have always struggled with my weight and for the most part the weight has won. When I started the push up challenge, I was half heartedly giving the weight loss thing another whirl. With the #2011pushupchallenge, I did my push ups if I did nothing else. I have more than once gotten out of bed at 1130 or 1150 (or 1230 am and I pretend I'm in a different time zone) and finished (or started) my push ups.  It inspired discipline for me and I found myself ready to do more things.

I never anticipated being able to do so many push ups at one time before so I decided to try something else I did not anticipate being able to do- run. I'm a fat girl, I have a bad ankle, and I'm truly klutzy. Running and I should not really mix.  That being said for the past few years I've wanted to be a runner. So,  I gave it a try. My first few days were not fun at all. My ankle did indeed hate me with a fiery passion that reflected within the joint itself.  Then my ankle calmed down and my hip decided to tighten up to within an inch of its life. Luckily, I'm in physical therapy and know really cool stretches that helped that out and was able to analyze my own gait to see what was bugging me. Now, a couple months later, I'm still not running a mile without pause or anything close to it, but I'm utilizing a walk/run method that works for me for two miles. I still walk most of it, but I'm running more than I thought I would.

The #2011pushupchallenge's method may seem very simplistic and not challenging to some of the more hard core athletes, but it builds a great base. Before I may have gotten frustrated with not being able to run a 5K in a month(I may have a bit of an issue with patience), but now I look at running in steps. In January I could not have imagined finishing 100 push ups, but that's what I did yesterday. Knowing that means, I know I'm able to reach my goals. I'll be able to run a 5K by mid May and if another of @annieology's crazy ideas comes to fruition, I'll run Beach to Bay with her next May and MAYBE a half marathon in December.

So this is my invitation, my challenge for all my friends and family, etc, join up with @annieology or @beccascrazyboys and push up.  Start today with one or tomorrow with two and end the year with 265 push ups! Or if you want to be hard core, catch up with us!

PS As far as the weight loss thing goes, I am down two sizes since the holidays. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Papas y Huevos (Potatoes and eggs)

Easter is my favorite. Not holiday, but my favorite for the candy it brings. Cadbury eggs, Reese's eggs, Starburst jelly beans, and a newly discovered favorite. Glorious, delicious sugary goodness and a few thousand calories.

I've mentioned before that I'm a brat. I get cranky and downright ugly (I'm from the south; we use phrases like that and we pull it off) when denied something I really want. With that in mind, I have bought Easter candy. My Starburst jelly beans lived in my cabinet for three weeks before I opened the bag.  Then I gleefully opened the bag of regular and the special bag of red fruit only and mixed them in a Gladware container. I will admit to days where I stop eating them because my teeth ache from the sugar, but my Gladware container is still over 80% full. I've also bought Reese's mini eggs and Butterfinger eggs. All of the candy I've bought has already lasted at least 2-3 weeks and there's still some left which is remarkable considering how quickly I used to plow through it. In general, I keep indulging, but am limiting myself to a piece or two at a time.

Until last night.

Last night, I left work with a headache. I popped three Ibuprofen as I drove down I45 and decided to stop at SuperTarget. My conditioner was nearly gone and I would need kitty litter by the weekend.  Maybe a quick side trip would also give me time for my headache to decrease and I could run as planned. I wandered aimlessly through Target. I picked up my conditioner, looked at the shoes, and checked to see if they had organic bell peppers (they do; but I held off). I decided I needed cereal as well and then thought it was absolutely necessary I check to see what flavors of Ben and Jerry's were available.  I picked up a pint of Half Baked FroYo (I am SO healthy). Then I spied an empty cart and grabbed it and picked up the kitty litter I had come in for originally.  On my way to the check out, I casually strolled through the Easter aisles. Then I saw it.

Coconut cream filled Dove eggs. In the time it took for my brain to register the words, the bag flew into my cart. I checked out and loaded the kitty litter in the back of my SUV and the other bag (with the stuff) rode shotgun. My headache still going I decided therapeutic chocolate might be the wise choice. At the stoplight I opened the bag of Dove eggs and unwrapped one. Delicious! One of the great things about where I live is location.  Supertarget is a mere two miles away. By the time I got home,  my headache was gone.  The miracle of chocolate coconutty goodness!

I got home, threw the bag of groceries on the table and changed into my running clothes.  I fired up my IPOD and started up the mapmyrun app on my Blackberry and hit the road. I felt better; the chocolate coconut eggs worked like a magic elixir.

To be honest, my runs are run/walk.  I'm a beginner; I've utilized the walk/run strategy; run for a minute or so, recover walk until you can run again, repeat. On Monday, I got my highest run time so far- 7.5 minutes. On Wednesday, after eating the Dove eggs, I ran even further- 10 minutes!

Maybe it was a coincidence. But, I think it was the power of the Dove coconut eggs.

That bag is so not lasting the week.

Monday, April 4, 2011


My hometown city has been number one for many things. When I was a teenager, we were number one for teen pregnancy for the entire country (and several times since; freaking Laredo tries to take our crown though). Most recently, Corpus Christi (ie my hometown city) has been named the fattest city and the city for the worst hair.  No wonder we don't have the highest teen pregnancy rate anymore.

I vaguely remember the mayor taking some offense to the fattest city title and proposed an initiative to get people moving. Health fairs, areob-a-thons, etc have popped up, but I'm not sure how the city's doing with the whole not being fat thing. Sadly, I added to the fat of the city.

In September, I moved to Houston and became a little more aware of my bad habits. But it wasn't until late January, early February that I really committed.  I've started running, I'm doing pushups (#2011pushupchallenge - join on day 100- peer pressure!), and I've started adjusting my eating habits. Everything's been working well for me. I've lost weight, my arms are not nearly as jiggly, and I'm in better shape than I've been in many years.

I have visited Corpus the past two weekends and I have to say I fell off the fitness track while I was there.  The weekend before last was jam-packed. I saw relatives I had not seen in years  (that's another sordid tale; listen to the banjos play a haunting melody softly in the background to give you a clue). For the first time, I missed my push-ups and all my intentions of running fell through with laundry, relatives, housewarming party, and talking about relatives with other relatives. Then I came home to Houston and felt uninspired. I did my push ups on Monday, but I didn't mix it up at all and I made myself go to the exercise room and get on the treadmill but after a measly half mile I was done.

I had been doing well with staying motivated and disciplined. What had happened to me?  Did I linger too long in CC? Was the fattest city a bad influence on me?  I felt sluggish and very unmotivated.  I didn't do much the next day, but then on Wednesday I got home and put on the exercise ensemble and hit the road. I  ran my usual route plus a little extra and something very odd happened.

I felt better. I had more energy and I slept better that night. I am a person dedicated to the couch. Lying down makes things better. This has happened to me in the past. I used to belong to the Y and was going two or three times a week and I noticed the increase in energy, but obligations got in the way and that habit died. Now, I feel a little more dedicated to my new changes.

I will do push-ups every other day and go for a run/walk/crawl several times a week. Part of it is for ego.  I like the way I look better and compliments are awesome. Moreover, I like the side effects. I'm stronger and have better endurance and have more energy. Also, in order to stay motivated, apparently I need to stay moving.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Tater Psych

For nearly a semester, I majored in psychology and from time to time I analyze others and myself. Or if I'm analyzing someone who did something bad, I profile them. I also watch a lot of Criminal Minds. 

I have been single for a long time, six nearly seven years now. I ended things and despite my persistent singleness have been happy with that choice.  I look at it as I saved myself a ton of money and future awkwardness if we shared custody of a kid after divorcing which I feel like that's where we would be if I hadn't broken things off  (or in an unhappy marriage). Truthfully, I had stayed with that guy too long and no one in my life thought too highly of him. He was a nice guy, but not right for me.  Luckily, I did not have to deal with any physical abuse or infidelity (that I knew of).

I did not date in high school. I wish I could say my parents wouldn't let me or I was too focused on school or in the words of Clueless's Cher "high school boys- as if!" I wanted to date in high school; my parents probably would have allowed it, but I didn't.  No one was interested in me. I hung out with the boys' basketball team for three years and unfortunately instead of that making me seem attractive to them it gave them a protective vibe. Which was good in some ways. When I made the switch to be a trainer and worked with the football guys as well, none of them harassed me the way they did every other trainer. But it also meant, I was getting harassed by any of the football guys.

By the time I got a boyfriend, I held on. I held on for nearly five years. He was mostly a nice guy but I was annoyed with his need to get drunk and/or high every weekend for no other reason than to get drunk and/or high.  More than once I thought of breaking up with him, but something like an upcoming sporting event would make me hang in there.  We would have a great time at the game and I would stay.  I also realized that I was not high on his priority list.  Finally, I got to the point that instead of hoping he would propose, I was scared to death he would. I had actually thought about moving in with him because I felt like we would need a trial run before we got married.  I'm not clear cut into whether or not you should live together before you get married, but I did want to be sure enough in my relationship that I didn't treat living together as a test. That thought made me start to seriously reconsider the relationship. I had to admit to a lot of things.  One of the things I admitted to was that I was still with him because I didn't think I could do any better and thought being unhappily with him was better than being alone. The trial run thought, the whole lack of self-esteem thing made me really question whether those were good reasons to continue a relationship.

Then one night we were supposed to work out together at my clinic and I cancelled on him to baby-sit my godson Landen. We worked out often and Landen was my godson and therefore a high priority in my life.  He was incredibly mad about it and I knew right then and there, that was it. If something had happened to Landen's parents (my cousin and her husband), I was responsible for raising him and he acted like one missed workout was a huge inconvenience? Uh, no. After a back and forth of a couple months, we'll try to make it work, we're broken up, now we're on a break, we finally broke up.

Now through the grapevine and technology, I know he's married and has a baby (and at least a couple of years ago, his friends liked me better than the new girl). I'm actually good with that because I don't want to be married to him.  I felt pretty good with myself and I sincerely believe I would rather be single than be with the wrong person.  I have seen too many people get married because "it was time." In fact one of my cousins gave me that exact reason for marrying their spouse.

I feel like my self worth did not make it out entirely intact. I've always been a chubby to fat kid, teenager, then young adult.  The ex boyfriend made a few comments from time to time about a shirt being too small for me and then something un-weight related that when I talked about my family I was boring (my family is chock full of  scandal so not sure WHAT that was about). When I was with him, I gained about 30-40 lbs. When we broke up, I probably gained another 30 lbs. I attempted a few dating type ventures, but my overall feeling was "why would someone even want to be with me?" I had gained enough self worth to know I shouldn't stay with someone like my ex, but I wasn't at the place where I felt like I was worthy to be with anyone.

I have come to the point in psych-major-for-a-semester awareness where I realize I was sabotaging myself. I could shove anything into my mouth and then sit on my butt because I didn't care enough about myself to treat myself right.  If I didn't think I was worth enough to take care of myself, why should anyone else? This thought isn't about trying to land a man, but it's about treating myself like someone who deserves love. I am a Christian and believe that Jesus died for our sins. God loved me enough to sacrifice His Son for me, but I can't love me enough to take care of myself?

I have started to care a little more about myself.  I have lost weight, gained muscle (thank you #2011pushupchallenge), and gotten more in shape. I have also started caring more about my appearance. Doing home PT, I got into the habit of throwing on scrubs and tossing my hair up and that was it. Now that I see my coworkers every day and my patients have better eyesight I take a little more time with my appearance. It's actually bugging me (and pleasing me) that a few of my shirts are probably two sizes too big and extremely baggy. I feel like I'm almost to the point where I might try the whole dating thing. I feel more confident and I like myself better. I don't kid myself; I have a long way to go, but to quote an old shampoo commercial, I'm worth it.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Tater in the Dressing Room

In general, I do not watch a lot of reality TV. Some of it I think is insipid; other shows sound interesting, but I already watch a lot of TV. You have to cut back where you can. I would love to write for living so I like to watch scripted shows. Every once in awhile, I get drawn in to a "real" TV show. On the Food Network, I love seeing Ace of Cakes  and my new Sunday addiction is Cupcake Wars. I know, I know. Of course, the fat girl likes shows about cake. I'm also a little addicted to HGTV, HouseHunters International particularly. My other "real" show I love is What Not to Wear. I was beyond excited when bloggy friends of mine knew a blog friend that was on the show recently.

What Not to Wear is a show I tend to gorge and starve on though. Right now I am in starvation mode because the hotel does not have TLC. One of my very infrequent complaints about my extended stay hotel is the selection of channels (no TLC, A&E, or Comedy Central, but I have Lifetime, USA, HGTV, and the Food Network).  I do remember weekends with marathons on of  WNTW  that I would have to turn the TV off in the midst of a commercial in order to do things like, ironically enough, get dressed.

With this in mind, I am aware of bad fashion choices of others and my own. I have been losing weight and have been ecstatic about it. I just got work clothes in August/September because I worked in scrubs before so things like pants had to be bought. Even then I was down from my heaviest, but now my pants and shirts are pretty big on me. It leaves me conflicted because I love seeing that these things are too big on me which is a nice change from utilizing any speck of elastic or spandex in the fabric, but WNTW has taught me wisely that swimming in your clothes is not flattering.

Still, I hesitated. I want to lose more weight and buying clothes in between would be a waste of money. I reconsidered this briefly when stopping at the store and had to rescue my pants from sliding down my hip. On Friday, I wore the same pair of pants (they weren't dirty or smelly) when I drove from Houston to Austin to go to my adorable godson's birthday party.  I arrived at my cousin's house and my mom and my sister both declared my pants too baggy (awesome compliment in this instance).

On Saturday, we went to the outlet mall in Round Rock and popped into Lane Bryant. I decided to try on pants. I went a size smaller than the pants I had gotten for my job interview last July (a size smaller than I had been previously) and Mom talked me into the next size down as well to take into the dressing room. I also saw a dress that I absolutely loved, but there were only four dresses on the rack- one two sizes bigger than the last dress I had bought there, one four sizes smaller, and one three sizes smaller. I took the three sizes smaller as it was  the same size as the smaller pant size I was trying.  I tried on the one size smaller; they fit and were still a little loose. I tried on the two sizes smaller and they fit- snugly, but I could breathe and move with everything appropriately buttoned and zipped. I danced out of the dressing room to show Mom and Tori.  Then I tried on the dress. It fit tight across my chest (the ladies are on the large side), but it fit! It is the smallest dress I've bought in probably five years if not longer!  I have absolutely no place to wear it at the moment, but it looks really pretty hanging in my closet.

Monday, March 7, 2011


I'm a brat. In the past when people in my life have gone on an healthy trend, my reaction has been to dig my heels into the sofa and pull up a gallon of ice cream.  In other words, I threw an overeating hissy fit. It did nothing  to diminish their efforts, but for whatever reason their efforts made me decide to self-sabotage.

To diminish the glare of my brattiness, I've had obnoxious people lecturing me about their healthy habits. Most of the time in some tiny piece of my pouting brain, I recognize that the person has good intentions or is concerned about my health, well-being. At the time though, I heard "you are a fat slob and should be taking advice from me because I am amazing and thin (even if they weren't) and so healthy."

I may have a little problem with being defensive.

Bearing that in mind, I've tried to be low key with the healthier lifestyle. Knowing how easily I slide into rebellion, I want to not be obnoxious to others. I want to lose weight and be able to run without dying.  Those are my main goals.  So far, they've worked.  The scale has declined another couple of pounds and I've been able to increase the run time in my run/walk/crawl.  I focused mostly on exercise in my attempt to be healthier, but have been adding in the diet stuff in a very low key, not restrictive way. Remember the brat? She gets UGLY if you take away her chocolate. My diet plan has been adding stuff actually.  More veggies and more fruit. I've also been doing some switches.  Chips and dip changed to veggies and dip (reduced calorie salad dressing).  This weekend  Ben and Jerry's ice cream changed to Ben and Jerry's FroYo.

I started this blog for two reasons. One was to try to keep myself writing. I would love to write for a living but  get easily distracted so I have committed to writing in the blog at least once a week in order to keep myself accountable, which is the other reason for the blog. I'm trying to keep myself accountable without being obnoxious.  I'm posting my run/walk/crawls and am letting several people I know know that I'm planning on running a  5K in the hopes that I will not back out.

Yesterday/today, I had something pretty cool happen.  I decided to update my profile picture on Facebook and Twitter. I have gotten so many compliments.  One of my best friends told me that she showed people she worked with my picture from a friend's wedding about three years (and at probably my heaviest) and my picture from yesterday and how much weight I had lost. I was so excited and unbelievably flattered.  As I told her, I blushed over the phone.

Like, I've mentioned before I had no idea how much I liked genuine support before I started this. Alsot, I'm starting to like the results of the exercise.  That crazy #2011pushupchallenge had me checking my own arms out as I drove home today (also, I'm way into checking out the arms of others).  I've been able to do more without getting as tired as I used to.  I know the better reason is that I'm healthier than I used to be, but still riding high on the compliments, I like the way I look more. I have more goals to meet for my physical well-being and I think meeting them will help my emotional/mental well being as well.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Tater Goal

I might have a goal. That is a goal that is more specific rather than do stuff that's good for you and move your butt.

I found a run ( ) and I think I'm going to try to run it.  The run does not happen until the end of April which gives me 2 months ish to prepare. I love an excuse to go to Fredericksburg. Plus, it's a wildflower run, it'll be pretty.

I've been running since February. Running is a loose term.  Trying to run would be more accurate. I walk, I run for a count of 60-70 seconds, walk until I recover, repeat and then walk at the end.  I'm up to five minutes of running. Today, I tried to up and on one run minute I counted to 90; I won't give myself any extra credit though because the next "minute" went by very quickly.

My next step is to try to consistently run for a count of 90 seconds.  Once I do that without collapsing, I plan on upping it until I run more than I walk. Then I need to make sure I can actually go the distance (dramatic running reference). I have my steps in mind so now I have to see if I can make them.  I'm not sure if I'll be able to do this, but this may help kick-start what I hope will be a long lasting habit.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Tater Control

Like many people, numbers ending in fives and zeros seem significant. With that in mind, I passed a new milestone.  I'm now in a lower bracket weight wise!  I know the anonymity of the internets should protect me but some people I know in real life may read this as well so I'm not posting the actual weight, but yays!

I'm apparently really into challenges now.  I signed up for another one.  In addition to the push up challenge, I started the lunge challenge which is 300 lunges every week.  I started out the gate gung ho on that one.  Apart from demonstrating a lunge or two to patients, I have not done a lunge on purpose in longer than I can remember. Monday I decided to do 50. Ouch. Not bad at all that night, but the next day I was definitely feeling the burn.  Since then I've been 10'ing and 20'ing my way to 300. I'm up to 110 (I think; in this path to self-discovery, I realize I suck at counting) and I may not make it this week, but I will next week for sure.  The push-ups get done for sure. It may be 1158, but they get done.  55 today (22 down; 33 to go).

I took a leap of faith in September and took a job in Houston about 4 hours away from my hometown. It was the right decision in so many ways.  I love the city. I LOVE my job. I was absolutely miserable doing home health and hated my job to the point I hated physical therapy. It had nothing to do with my bosses or the company. It was the situation- the endless driving, the sitting in parking lots calling people, the knocking on the doors of empty houses that were SUPPOSED to have homebound people in them.  The new job was a good call. In other ways, it's been rough.  I've been living in an extended stay hotel with my cats and paying the bills on my house in CC which I am trying desperately to sell. On a weekend back in CC, I woke up via a phone call from my stepmom that she thought my dad had had a stroke and was on his way to the hospital.  The next day we made the decision to donate his organs.  Getting through the holidays was rough and being in Houston alone was rough as well. More nights (and days) than I care to think of I would cry a lot, big snot tears.

In a strange way, these challenges have helped me.  I miss my dad so much and cannot do anything to change that.  My house has not sold yet and as much as it frustrates me, I cannot force someone to buy my house.  What I can do is get on my hands and knees and do push-ups. I can run/walk/crawl. I can cuss a lot while I hold a plank. I've been fat since I was a kid and it'll take a while for that to change, but this is something I can actually decide to do and control the outcome.  This morning I missed my run/walk/crawl because I hit snooze too many times; I rode the recumbant bike for 10 minutes instead.  Not nearly the same workout, but something. None of  this helps my other problems; my dad is still gone, my house is still for sale, but completing push-ups or lunges or whatever is something I am able to control whether I do or not.  

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Changing habits from when Tater was a tot

I love TV. Love. LOVE.

I hear or read about people saying how they just do not have enough time for TV. Or that there's nothing good on TV.  Have you never watched Criminal Minds or Burn Notice? They are amazing.

Admittedly, I am behind on my current TV shows.  I live in a hotel at the moment and sadly, not only am I limited to about 25 channels, but I also have no DVR. I'll catch up from time to time online or when I go back to CC where my DVR still records things like a champ.

That aside I still watch a lot of TV. I catch a few current shows and lately, I've been addicted to West Wing which I've been watching on DVD thanks to my sister who has spurred my addiction.

In addition to my love of TV I also like to read, write, and play on the Internets. Oh wait,  I also love sports (ahem, watching them that is). In other words, I love to sit on my ass.  This is where the couch tater-ness comes into play.

A true and committed addict, I am not giving up my lovely TV and other activities. I'm changing positions (that's what she said). Not all the time, but I'm trying to keep moving during part of my TV time.  Granted at the moment I'm sitting on my bed watching a movie.

However, I've been fairly successful  for the past few weeks at doing something while watching TV. I'll do my push-ups (#2011pushupchallenge) every other day. I do some yoga poses and planks. Some nights I work my muscles harder than others, but I do a little something.  Likewise, I feel stronger some days. I'm excited to be able to tell  a difference in my strength and endurance.  I can hold side planks and front planks for 60 seconds fairly easily, but still feel challenged.  My yoga poses have gotten better and more steady which may mean ::gasp:: an improvement in balance. I do what I can for strengthening, balance, and flexibility all in front of the TV.

I'm venturing outdoors as well a little more often also.  I'm also up to 6 minutes or running when I'm doing my walk/run/crawl.  Not that those 6 minutes are consecutive, but I'm recovering more quickly (i.e. less crawl time) and needing less time to rest before I start my running minute again.

As frustrating as it can be to notice minimal changes to my BMI, I did see the scale move a good 4-6lbs this last week and have noticed clothes fitting a bit looser. Also, I'm feeling muscles in my stomach; I knew they were in there somewhere! I have a long way to go, but I feel like I have at least found the path to start.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tater Rolls

I was hoping for this, but never thought it would happen. Ironically, I spend my day telling people how great it is and how much it helps.  But for me, never saw it actually

Exercise feels good. A good couch potato would never admit to such a thing, right? Yet, I left work with a slight headache (I did pop a couple Tylenol for that) and a little tense and now 1.6 miles ran/walked/crawled, my remaining sets of push-ups, a plank pose, and a few stretches and I feel better. More relaxed even. How did this happen?  Chocolate and TV and blobbing out on the couch (or bed since I'm currently couch-less) are supposed to make me feel better. This exercise thing may have its good points.

The endorphins can stay.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Go, Tater, Go!

I cannot believe I do not have "Eye of the Tiger" on my IPOD.

I've discovered something about myself this past couple of weeks.  I want inspiration, support, and positive feedback. Not phony crap, but genuine support. I only found this out because I've received it.

I consider myself supremely lucky to have found this support. Annie and Becca and their crazy #2011pushupchallenge has really kept me motivated. Even through posting my embarrassing and very much before arm picture, I felt inspired to keep going and keep pushing out the,um, push-ups. Since, I've joined the challenge if I've done nothing else physical on the odd days (#teamodd), I've done the push-ups.

I have also started posting just to track my workouts and I decided to get brave and post them. They are not brilliant postings which showcase my lightning fast speeds, but they show my attempt. I love how many people have liked these posting! Selena, Amanda, Katy, the Godfather, Aunt Jan! I appreciate the support. Missy commiserating on needing to ditch a tentative workout plan. Selena and LeRae have also been great with our mini Facebook discussions about motivation and just staying active.

Amanda encouraged me this weekend to keep up my baby steps towards my running goal and attempted to download songs for me for my IPOD (technical issues and a flurry of packing for Amanda who's moving into her house next month prevented it). My mom noticed I had lost weight before I headed back to Houston and my lovely coworkers and patients have been complimenting me! I'm not trying to be a whiny girl, but I am not used to that, but love it! The compliments have nothing to do with my weight (ranges from hair (a lot for hair actually), clothes, skin, eyes), but I feel better and more confident and I know this comes from the wonderful people I have supporting me not only in this particular way, but in life.

Tater kisses to my loves!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Tater shocked by discovery of forgotten muscles!

Disclaimer: I went to regional competition for headline writing and that was all it took for me to ponder a career doing something like that. Hence, my propensity for writing dramatic headlines (see above).

I'm blaming/thanking Annie ( for at least part of this.  She sent me the invite for the #2011pushupchallenge and I decided to go for it. I'm going to be wearing a sleeveless dress in front of people in May, I sometimes have to lift people in the course of working (not as much as I used to; so not missing home PT), and I'd like to get rid of some jiggling; it made sense. I haven't been a part of a team in quite some time and must admit Annie makes an encouraging coach and Becca (, the even, and opposing, team coach is also encouraging. Our team startegy is to add a pushup for each day and the odd team takes odd days and the even team takes, well, I'm guessing most people could figure it out. I started late, but since I don't want to let my coach(es) down, I'm up to 20. The ones that started at the beginning of the year are up to 37 so I still have a ways to catch up, but not bad for under a week. I'm trying to get in the habit of doing wall pushups on my off days just to keep the arms muscles working. 

In addition, I've done 45 minute sessions of yoga/pilates two times over the past three days (we won't talk about the rest of the week). Included in those sessions, I did not only the regular, dreaded plank, but the side planks. I've been able to increase my time on the plank from 30ish seconds to about 45 seconds today (way up from my original, very fast 20 seconds). On the side plank, I have mostly just tried to hold my balance for a few seconds.  Yesterday, I held for 10 seconds on each side; today I did 20 seconds on one side and ended up with 10 on the other. My time totally surprised me.  In fact, I almost went ahead and went down to the floor even when I was still maintaining my balance. I also am doing downward facing dog, downward dog split, lunge, straight leg lunge, plie hold with and without heel raise, cat/cow, quadraped opposite arm/leg lift, and a few others, including some balance exercises. 

Yesterday, I did something I've been thinking seriously about for months. I ran! Only for two minutes, but I ran. I researched and lit on a good technique. Run for a minute, walk for 6 and then weekly, increase the run minutes and reduce the walk minutes accordingly. I did the requisite warm up walk and then ran  for a minute and the walked for a song or two (no watch presented a bit of a problem).  Then I ran for another minute decided my ankle wasn't going to handle much more on the first day and walked back.  Per the mapmyrun app on my Blackberry, I ran/walked 1.25 mi. Since the app is such a battery drainer, I have to delete it and add it each time. Not sure, I'll be anywhere near ready for Beach to Bay in May or the urban something rather  5K that involves obstacles (like running in mud), but may be ready for something in the fall if I can keep going.

The litany above is to keep me accountable, but also to refer to the title. Tater has sore muscles, arms and abs especially. I had almost forgotten what that felt like and my goal is to keep it up. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tater cannibalism and a challenge

I have designated Mondays as my meatless day. My lunch yesterday consisted of a frozen dinner of potatoes, broccoli, and cheese (Monday is merely meatless; vegan is pretty difficult even for a day for me). As I ate, I thought about the title of this blog and since the Tater in the title is referring to me, I briefly wondered about cannibalism. 

Going meatless for a day each week was a strategy to cut calories and hopefully be more healthy. Those reasons seem sound, but  good intentions do not necessarily work out that way. Lunch as mentioned above was reasonably healthy; dinner consisted of soup and veggies and dip. Breakfast did not go as well-intentioned as planned. Know what else does not have meat? Doughnuts. Shipley's delicious, delicious doughnuts.  Dinner was the downfall today as the colder weather forced me to the drive-thru at Whataburger, but alas tomorrow blooms anew.

Yesterday, I accepted a challenge. Somehow in the bloggy universe, my pal Annie (who I actually have met in
real life and is hilarious ( and her blog friend Becca decided they were going to start a push-up challenge.  January 1- one push-up, January 2- two push-ups, etc, etc. They expanded the challenge to go out among friends, readers, etc. So, I joined up.  Since Annie's team does odd days, I will start tomorrow. Technically, the team is on day 33, but since I joined late I will be doing one push-up.  If I get crazy I might push a little more to try to catch up. It seems doable and I have to wear a sleeveless dress in late May for my cousin's wedding so as long as I try not to think about the hundreds of push-ups I'll be doing in December. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

As the Tater Turns

This blog begins my attempt to become more accountable when it comes to losing weight and getting up off the couch..or chair or bed. Confession: I am fat, obese in fact.  As discouraging as that sounds, being obese does not take a lot of extra pounds. For example, a person with an ideal weight of 120 lbs becomes obese when they gain 24 lbs. I, however, fall on the heavier side of the obese with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 36.8. Staggering isn't it?  My typed words look so much slimmer, don't they?

Sadly, this is not the fattest I have ever been.  I did the math and a few months ago, my BMI came in at 41. Yikes! Maybe, I'm hedging my bets here since I've already lost weight and now I'm starting the blog. I have a long way to go; 36.8 is nothing to brag about after all.  Normal BMI  is considered 18.5 - 24.9. I'm dealing in BMI because I do not wish to disclose my weight at this time.  When I get to within spitting distance of normal, or even better- ideal, weight, then I may reveal my weight, but not for now.

I have never had luck with a structured, rigid diet. I love chocolate and cookies and the combination of the two. As far as diet goes, my plan consists of drinking water, probably the oh so popular 64 oz a day (aka 8 glasses), increasing my vegetable and fruit intake, and going meatless once a week. I've gone meatless Monday (I adore alliteration)  for three weeks so far.  The fruit and veggie thing is going well but not ideal so far.  I usually have an orange every day because that's the fruit out in my hotel in the morning. I've also been upping my salads and getting frozen dinners with vegetables. Since I've been living in Houston, I will admit a devotion to my chips and dip. I eased back with this. First I cut back to low fat dip and baked chips (unless the flavors at SuperTarget sucked, then it was regular chips). Beginning last week, no chips! I did stock up on salad dressing and have swapped the chips for celery and bell pepper. Small victories because I do keep buying Oreos (see above). The ice cream in my freezer however is Skinny Cow.

Like I mentioned before, strict diet is not the way to go for me.  I love food and if I try to make many things off limits, I rebel and go to a buffet.  One thing I have begun to change is my activity level.  This change will be slow. I've started with yoga.  I'm naturally very bendy. Well, now I am after a few weeks at Parks and Rec gymnastics.  I kept the flexibility, but none of the balance.  I feel stronger and I'm trying new poses and mixing in some Pilates as well. My next step which will consist of many, many, many steps will be running. I will begin with walking. The last few years I've wanted to be a runner, but have not mustered up enough enthusiasm to do so. So, I'm going to try to do the getting up early tomorrow and walk, maybe throw in a few minutes (i.e. seconds) of jogging. 

With that in mind, I'm signing off to sleep in anticipation of an early morning activity.